The Times They Are a-Changing!

I have always loved and been inspired by those certain kinds of people who were willing to stand up and make a difference, to do some good in the world, to be the Changemakers in a society where it’s all too easy to remain in our comfort zones and not question the way it has always been.

Through personal experience I’ve found that being someone who champions change and has a message that isn’t always easy for others to hear, is a challenge, I take on with gusto. 

I am someone who is out to do some good and make real lasting change. I am a Changemaker, and to be one requires the willingness to take a leap of faith and stand out from the crowd. It has made me an easy target for those who would prefer to stubbornly stick to the status quo. Yet there is nothing more important than seizing the opportunity to become the change you wish to see in the world and dedicating yourself to that cause in whatever endeavour you undertake. 

I used to have terrible anxiety about how little of an impact I felt I’d really been making in my life and to the lives of others. Some days I felt left behind, overlooked, impatient, and stressed out. Like I’d never get to where I wanted to be, that initiating change was hard and the path of change for an organisation was too slow. 

If you are feeling that way yourself, remember: It’s not a race, there’s nothing to “catch up” to. Making lasting change is, truly playing the long game. 

Being a Changemaker is more than just simply doing good and hoping the change happens. It takes courage to see and do things differently from the status quo and giving yourself permission to do something about it plus the courage to try an alternate strategy. By actively tackling a problem, a changemaker demonstrates they are motivated to act. It is not enough to have good intentions to do something good, intentions must be translated into action, we are all people of action right?. 

A Changemaker is someone who keeps trying until they have made a difference. Someone who has the freedom, confidence, perseverance and skills to turn challenges into solutions. 

In the end, being a Changemaker means being someone who’s able to inspire others, being able to adapt to the challenges around you and being able to become the change you want to see happen. I have undertaken an effort to implement positive change while setting a new direction for myself. I am a Changemaker. 

I hope you will join me on the journey and become a Changemaker too. 

“If no one tries to change things, things simply are never going to change.”

Article by Evan Burrell