Why Santa Claus is definitely a Rotarian

Ever noticed how Santa Claus perfectly embodies the Rotary spirit?

First off, let’s talk about “Service Above Self”.The man spends his entire year working behind the scenes, coordinating a global operation just to make other people happy. He doesn’t get paid, doesn’t ask for recognition, he just gets the job done! That’s classic Rotary behavior—serving selflessly and with a big heart (and big belt buckle).

And what about “The Four-Way Test”? Santa nails it every time.

1. “Is it the truth?” Santa checks the list that says “you’ve been good”…so keep being good for goodness sake —no fake news allowed on his list.

2. “Is it fair to all concerned?” Coal for the naughty, gifts for the nice. Sounds fair, right?

3. “Will it build goodwill and better friendships?” A gift exchange is practically his whole vibe.

4. “Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” Um, yes—he’s literally spreading joy worldwide.

Let’s not forget Santa’s logistical genius. He’s the ultimate project manager, overseeing a diverse team of “service above self, Christmas elves”, maintaining a zero-emissions sleigh (sustainable leadership!), and ensuring timely delivery of billions of items. If anyone knows how to organise an event or run a fundraiser, it’s this guy. Santa could run a district conference in his sleep, with room for cookies and milk on the agenda.

Finally, Santa’s red suit? That’s his Rotary at work shirt in disguise. The cheerful demeanor, the relentless energy, and the commitment to community are all Rotary trademarks. So this year, when you see Santa, just remember—he’s been a Rotarian all along, and he’s already planning his next big project: peace on Earth, goodwill to all. 🎅🎄