WOW your website


Just imagine for a moment that you have a guest coming to stay at your place. What would you do before they arrive? You’d probably give the whole house a bit of a spring clean, wouldn’t you?

Your personal or business website is no different. For many potential visitors or customers, your website will be their first glimpse at you and you want them to get a good impression of who you are and what you do.

These easy steps will give you ways to make your website the best it can be.

Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

Imagine a potential member looks you up on Google and finds your club. Awesome, you have someone visiting your website and they are actively seeking out what your club has been up to, so they click on your calendar to see what’s coming up… hang on, it’s empty. No events, no meetings, no social events. Does this leave the best message to a potential member? No! The solution is really simple: fill your website with enough information about upcoming events so it’s easy for a potential member to find and know it’s current.

Dead link dilemmas

There is nothing worse than finding something you’re really interested in then clicking the link only to find the link is dead. Do a regular check-up on your site and make sure your links work.

Living in the past

If your website is not up to date, prospective members will think your club is out of date! Don’t be the club who is still advising members that Rotary Shares is the theme of 2007. Make sure your website has your club’s current information and correct Rotary branding. It may involve uploading new photos from club meetings and events, but people will realise it’s 2016.

Members, members, members!

If a potential member has made a visit to your website, they will probably want to look for information on how to join your club. They may be looking for how they can come to a meeting, what the criteria is, how much does membership cost? Is this information clear on your website? Your club information must be easy to find; you can’t expect a potential member to spend 20 minutes searching the depths of your website looking for the relevant information.

It’s your club’s responsibility to make a good first impression, so make the effort by making your website shine!

Article by Evan Burrell